Bill Adler e
Jeffrey Feinman, Woody Allen, CIown Prince of American Humor, New York, Pinnacle
Books, 1975. |
Eric Lax, On
Being Funny: Woody Allen, and His Commedy, New York, Charter House, 1975. |
Robert Benayoun, Les
dingues du nonsense. De Lewis Carrol a Woody Allen, Paris, Balland, 1977. |
Michel Lebrun, Woody
Allen, Paris, Pac-tetes d'affiches, 1979. |
Ralph Rosenblum e
Robert Karen, When the Shooting Stops, The Cutting Begins, 1979. |
Maurice Yacowar, Losers
Take A1l, The Comic Art of Woody Allen, New York, Unger, 1979. |
Myles Palmer, Woody
Allen, An Illustrated Biography, New York,
Proteus, 1980. |
Diane Jacobs, But
We Need
the Eggs: The Magic of Woody Allen, London, Robson,
1982. |
Gerald McKnight, Woody
Allen Joking Aside, London, W. H. Allen, 1982. |
Gilles Cèbe, Woody
Allen, Paris, Henry Veyrier, 1984. |
Christian Dureau, Woody
Allen, Paris, PAC, 1985. |
Robert Benayoun, Woody
Allen Beyond Words, London, Pavillion, 1987. |
Thierry de Navacelle, Woody Allen sul set, Milano,
Frassinelli, 1987. |
Neil Pagel, Woody
Allen, Boston, Twayne Publishers, 1987. |
Neil Sinyard, The
Films of Woody Allen, London, Bison Books, 1987. |
Amato, Woody Allen Lo specchio e la maschera, Verona, Mazziana, 1990. |
Albert Bermel, Farce:
A History from Aristophanes to Woody Allen, Southern Illinois University Press, 1990. |
Borin (a cura di), Woody Allen, Venezia, Circuito Cinema, Comune di Venezia, 1990. |
Foste Hirsch, Love,
Sex, Death e The Meaning of Life. The Films of Woody Allen, New York, Limelight, 1990. |
Graham McCann, Woody
Allen, Cambridge/Oxford, Polity Press, 1990. |
Douglas Brode, Woody
Allen His Films and Career, Secaucus, New Jersey, Citadel Press, 1992. |
Lax, Woody Allen, Milano, Longanesi, 1992. |
Bendazzi (a cura di), Woody Allen, Roma, Script/Leuto, Dino Audino Editore, 1993. |
Sam B. Girgus, The
Films of Woody Allen, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1993. |
Zagari, Io, Woody Allen, Bari, Dedalo, 1993. |
Stig Bjorkman, Woody su Allen, Bari,
Laterza, 1994. |
Kristi Groteke e Marjorie
Rosen, Woody and Mia: The Nanny's Tale, London, Hodder & Stoughton, 1994. |
Bobby J. Speck, Woody Allen:
The Philosophical Clown, Ann Arbor, UMI, 1994. |
Sunshine, Woody Allen Parole e immagini, Milano, Bompiani, 1994. |
Bendazzi, Woody Allen Tutti i film, Milano, Fabbri, 1995. |
Richard A. Blake, Woody
Allen: Profane and Sacred, New York, Scarecrow Press, 1995. |
Girlanda e Annamaria Tella, Woody Allen, Milano, Il Castoro Cinema, Il Castoro,
1995. |
Jean-Philippe Guerand, Woody
Allen, Paris, Rivages, 1995. |
Brian Hamill, Derrick Tseng e
Charles Champlin, Woody Allen at work: The Photographs of Brian Hamill, New York,
Harry N. Abrams, 1995. |
Renee R. Curry (a cura di), Perspectives
on Woody Allen, New York, G. K. Hall & Co., 1996. |
Dagrada, Woody Allen Manhattan, Torino, Lindau, 1996. |
Toffetti e Andrea Morini, Woody Allen: elementi di paesaggio, Roma, L'Unità, 1996. |
Borin, Woody Allen, Roma, Gremese, 1997. |
Mary P. Nichols, Reconstructing
Woody: Art, Love and Life in the Film of Woody Allen, New York, Rowman &
Littlefield, 1998. |
Zappoli, Invito al cinema di Woody Allen, Milano, Mursia, 1998. |
John Baxter, Woody
Allen: A Biography, New York, Carroll & Graf, 1999. |
Marion Meade, The
Unruly Life of Woody Allen: A Biography, New York, Scribner, 2000. |